Know All About Mucinac 600 Uses

Mucinac 600 Uses

Mucinac 600 tablet helps treat respiratory tract conditions that cause chest congestion or tightness due to excess mucus. Its 600 mg Tablet contains Acetylcysteine, which thins mucus. It can be taken with or without food. If you have any allergies, avoid this tablet. Mucinac tablet also shows common side effects like fever and vomiting. If these side effects worsen, please get in touch with your doctor.

Always seek the doctor’s advice before taking a tablet regarding the correct dose and duration based on the type and severity of the medical condition. You should take it regularly but not overdo it; you should only take it at irregular intervals according to the doctor’s schedule. Please do not stop taking it alone unless directed by the doctor.

Asthma Patients should use Mucinac Tablets cautiously, as they may worsen the condition. When you visit a doctor for treatment, share your entire medical history, including problems related to the liver, heart, kidneys, etc. The  Mucinac 600 mg Tablet may interact with other medications the patient takes. Before taking it, inform the doctor if you take any medications and if you are pregnant, planning a pregnancy, or breastfeeding.

Product Specification

Mucinac 600mg Orange Flavour Sugar-Free Strip Of 10 Tablets


10 Tablet(s) in Strip

MRP ₹322.82

Product Specification

Product Summary

Offer Price ₹284.08
You Save ₹38.74 (12% on MRP)
Contains Acetylcysteine(600.0 Mg)
Uses Relieve chest congestion
Side effects Headache, fever, nausea

Mucinac 600 Uses Related Products

List of related products

  • Mucinac 100 mg Injection
  • Mucinac 200 mg Injection
  • Tablet Mucinac 200 mg
  • Mucinac 400 mg Injection

Uses of Mucinac 600 MG

  • Bronchitis
  • Emphysema
  • Cystic fibrosis
  • Bronchiectasis

Contraindications of Mucinac 600 MG

  • Allergic to Acetylcysteine or any ingredients
  • Not recommended for children below 14 years of age

Side Effects of Mucinac 600 MG

  • Headache
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Stomach pain
  • Diarrhea
  • Fever
  • Skin rashes

Precautions and Warnings of Mucinac 600 MG


Safety during pregnancy not established

Use only if essential as determined by a physician


Unknown if Acetylcysteine passes into breast milk

Use only if prescribed by a doctor


No information on the effects of driving


Consult a physician if consuming alcohol regularly

Other General Warnings

  • Stop use if experiencing breathing difficulties
  • Caution with a history of peptic ulcer disease and bronchial asthma
  • Discontinue if experiencing skin rashes or lesions
  • Avoid long-term treatment if intolerant to histamine
  • Excessive bronchial secretion may occur initially

Directions for the use of Mucinac 600 MG

  • Follow the doctor’s advice for timing relative to meals
  • Dissolve the tablet in half a glass of water
  • Stir and drink immediately once dissolved

Storage and Disposal of Mucinac 600 MG

  • Store in a cool and dry place
  • Keep away from children and pets
  • Properly discard any unused medicine

Quick Tips of Mucinac 600 MG

  • Used for treating respiratory diseases with excessive mucus
  • Avoid alcohol and medications causing dizziness
  • Consult a doctor before taking
  • Common side effects include headache,  vomiting, stomach pain, nausea, diarrhea, fever, and skin rashes.

Dosage of Mucinac 600 MG


  • Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, or loose motions
  • Contact the doctor immediately if you overdose

Missed a Dose

  • Take as soon as you remember
  • Skip if it’s time for the next dose; do not double dose

Mode of Action of Mucinac 600 MG

  • Acetylcysteine decreases mucus viscosity by splitting sulfur bonds

Interactions of Mucinac 600 MG

  • Interactions with Other Medicines
  • Inform the doctor about all current medications, supplements, or herbals
  • Avoid cough suppressants
  • Activated charcoal reduces effectiveness


Mucinac 600 effectively treats respiratory conditions by thinning mucus, making expelling easier. It is ideal for bronchitis, cystic fibrosis, and other lung conditions. Consult your doctor before using.

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